Photo by Jackie Switzer
Traveling Triumphs:
2000 VTR South Central Regional Convention
by Jackie Switzer
Results report by Cissy Wakefield
The Vintage Triumph Register South Central Regional Convention, commonly known as “Regionals”, is one of the year’s highlights for our club. This year was no exception as 10 cars gathered at the starting point in Houston for the two day trip to Wagoner, Oklahoma. Thank goodness for cell phones that enabled us to keep track of Don and Louise Carter, whose electronic ignition cratered before they joined our group. Mike McElmurray played shepherd in his TRuck and Mike Hado, who didn’t even get to go on the trip, hustled replacement distributor parts over to save the day.
Three other cars, traveling on their own time tables, planned to join us at the overnight stop in Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Unfortunately, Len and Marti Myers only made about 100 miles before car troubles forced them back to their lake house. Getting out of town is sometimes the hardest part of the trip!
Triumphs draw a crowd, particularly when
someone is crawling underneath one!
Photo at left by Jackie Switzer; photo above by Vern Burnett.
Wayne devised a masterful route that meandered on back country roads and took advantage of strategic refueling stops. The dogwoods were still blooming and the wildflowers were a colorful blur as we hurried on our way north.
Somewhat late arriving at our night’s destination, we were still in time for our rendezvous with Larry Lawrence at “Larry Lawrence’s Antiques, Cars and Parts”. Larry has one of those dream garages where he can also collect all sorts of things. He might even sell you something if you are insistent. He provided chips, dips, and drinks and answered all our questions as we perused his establishment. Loading everyone up in some very American pick-ups, Larry shared a view of his “back forty” full of parts cars. Members were heard reminiscing about Triumphs resurrected from similar sites.
A plenteous dinner at Luigi’s Italian Restaurant followed by a good night’s sleep prepared us for the next day. Idabel, Broken Bow, Wister – lilting names of towns that reflect Oklahoma’s colorful history. All of them a prelude to the wonderful Talimena Drive. Sometimes I felt that we would surely connect with the sky on the next rise or at the next turn. The vistas from the overlooks were unsullied by commercialism. Partially hidden by the morning haze, forests and hills rose to greet us as the sun warmed the valleys and we wended our way toward Wagoner.
Richard and Diane Dicks’ familiarity with the thriving little town of Poteau provided a bountiful lunch stop for a meager price. We were ready for the final leg of our journey.
The first order of business on arrival was, of course, cleaning the cars with materials thoughtfully provided by Green Country Triumphs (GCTC), our hosts for the Regionals. The Friday Night Welcome Party, held at the edge of the lake, consisted of a filling buffet, drinks and music. This was only a prelude to the really innovative presentation of a murder mystery to be solved by the next day. Our own Don Carter played a sleazy lawyer and Bill Sysman had a supporting role. This was a great icebreaker! Tech sessions and the Push-A-Triumph Challenge rounded out the evening.
Scenes from the concours.
Photo above: Jackie Switzer
Photo below: Dave Chapman
Photo above: Vern Burnett
Photo belolw: Dave Chapman
Photo above: Vern Burnett
Photo below: Vern Burnett
Photo above: Vern Burnett
Photo below: Vern Burnett
Saturday, April Fool’s Day, began with the concours on a small, tree-lined peninsula in front of the lodge in Sequoya Park. Slightly overcast, with filtered shade and a light breeze off the lake, it was a perfect way to begin the day. Plenty of willing judges provided relatively swift decisions.
Lunch-on-the-go and a misting rain heralded the afternoon’s events: the autocross, Funkhana, and Rallye. Wayne and I particularly enjoyed the “The Fort Gibson Fool’s Folly” rallye. The object was to drive, enjoy the local scenery and see the Fort Gibson Stockade. GCTC members manned checkpoints where cards were drawn to determine your poker hand. Answering a few simple questions was optional. The day was topped off with the President’s meeting and Awards Banquet. TTR fared very well with almost everyone taking home one of the laser printed pens given as trophies.
GCTC arranged for an early Sunday breakfast enabling everyone to leave as early as possible. The trip home was plagued with a few car problems, but only one car required towing; not bad for cars that verge on being seniors.
This was GCTC’s first attempt at an event this size. They did a commendable job and will be a tough act to follow! TTR is responsible for next year’s regional. Plans are in progress to host the event in College Station. Mark your calendars for the first weekend in May!
And the winners are…
by Cissy Wakefield
TTR made an outstanding showing of beautiful classic cars. We can truly be proud of our members. GREAT JOB!!!
1st Place – Bill SysmanTR-3A early
3rd Place – Wayne & Jackie Switzer
2nd Place – Vern Burnett
3rd Place – John Wakefield
TR-6 late
2nd Place – Don & Louise Carter
TR-7 & Stag
3rd Place – Bill Parker (Stag)
1st Place – Diane & Richard Dicks
3rd Place – Jeff & Risa Myers
Herald/Vitesse/Sports 6
1st Place – David Fowler
3rd place – Ron Grantham
Poker Rallye
2nd Place – Bill SysmanFunkhana
1st Place – Louise & Don Carter
Women’s Autocross
1st Place – Louise Carter
Men’s Autocross
(TR5, TR 250 & TR 6)
1st Place – Don Carter
Men’s Autocross (Spitfire)
1st Place – Jeff Myers
3rd Place – Risa Myers
Spitfire Quilt
This year’s Gary Johnston Trophy for outstanding dedication and participation by a regional member went to Roger Bolick of the Hill Country Triumph Club.
At left, TTR at VTR SCR. At right, Shelley Chapman learns what happens when you don’t answer the rally questions correctly.